Art of Attire: Decode Your Style - Alterre

October 20th, 2023

Art of Attire: Decode Your Style


For this article we’ll be focusing on how to keep the things you love in your wardrobe from the kooky halloween pajamas to the perfectly crisp white button up while honing in on some key pieces to elevate your personality.

Building a versatile wardrobe can take a lifetime to curate, and it should feel like an ever-evolving reflection of us at every stage in our lives. While we can’t all afford  a personal stylist, there are some ways to decode your style so getting ready is easy peasy.

Take a free style quiz.  There are so many options online but here are few fun ones:

    1. Find your style decade
    2. What clothing style suits you

 Decode your season. We’ll say this over and over because knowing what season you are will make it that much easier to shop for styles you love in colors that flatter you.

Find some style icons you admire.   Have you always admired Grace Kelly’s style?  Are you a fan of Kim Kardashian (no shade here)?  

I’m personally a huge fan of Victoria Beckham and Michelle Yeoh  I know those two have drastically different style, but it works for me. Shilpa would refer to this split style as “Work Harmony” and “Party Harmony”.  Though the two are slowly merging.

Create an inspirational board.  I like to use Pinterest for this and when I’m ambitious, I’ll make a collage to stay inspired.  Pro tip: make a vision board of what you'd like you're style to look like a few years ahead. This will give you ample time to splurge on quality pieces or search for that perfect thrifted button up.

Assess what you already have in your closet

    1. Do any of your pieces look similar to what your favorite style icons wear?
    2. Could anything be styled to have the same feeling?
    3. Do the garments you have, compliment your skin tone?

Now The Fun Part...

You’re existing wardrobe is the foundation of your style.  Start with what you have and assess the previous steps accordingly.

Have a play date with yourself.- now that you’ve done some inventory and have an idea of the pieces you’d like to buy, play dress up and take some pics of your favorite outfit ideas.   This will help you with visualization and make it easier to know when you see something you’d like to purchase.  
    1. Does this new garment fit my style?
    2. Is it in a color that compliments me?
    3. Do I have anything else similar?
    4. Will this fit the bill for any outfits or aspirational looks I have?

    Stay inspired - Leave your inspirational images somewhere visible or keep them top of mind whenever you make another purchase. 

    So there you go!  A quick cheatsheet on how to decode your style.

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